Amazing flowers of 2023best Flowers




       CHAPTER 1

The Shapes of our Dreams.      AD

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How do we search for the meaning of our dreams on Google? We have explored the related queries to the question What does it mean to dream about in different languages to see which dream subjects users look for most. We discovered that we share some recurring dreams.TT AD

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                       We studied

the results of queries like What does it mean to dream about..., Why do I dream about..., Meaning of dreaming... in seven languages from 2009 to 2019. We started from the top spoken languages and we selected the ones for which we have found enough data to explore the topic.AD

src="" width="241" />src="" width="320" />AD

Chapter 1 second paragraph

There are some subjects whose meaning people consistently look for in different languages: dreaming about snakes and falling or broken teeth for instance.AD

Dreaming about snakes

Dreaming about snakes

Chapter 1 third paragraph


Dreaming about falling teeth

src="" width="320" />AD

Chapter 1 fourth paragraph


On the other hand, there are unique subjects that only appeared exploring specific languages: dreaming about picking mushrooms only appeared in Russian, dreaming about camels in Arabic, dreaming about garlic in Portuguese, about iguanas in Spanish, and about fox in English.



Unique subjects

Chapter 1 fifth paragraphAD

And then we’ve found interesting data exploring subjects with peaks in the search interest over the years. In 2016, the related query with the highest value in Arabic was traveling. We've further explored the trends throughout the years in Chapter 3.



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Peaks over the yearAD

Chapter 1 sixth paragraph

Are you curious to explore the dreams by year and language? We’ve designed a dream explorer!


href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;" target="_blank">AD


The Worlds We Dream of

What are the worlds we dream of the most according to Google searches? After exploring the subjects, we created some macro-categories of dreams to see what are the universes that populate our sleep and how they change according to the different languages over the years.

href="" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;">AD

Chapter 2 first paragraph

After having studied all the dream subjects by language and year, we grouped them into 12 categories: Animals and Insects (where we grouped subjects such as snakes, spiders, dogs), Human Body (with subjects such as falling teeth, hair, nails), Family and relationships (with subjects such as having a baby, getting married, brother, ex partner), Falling and Flying (with subjectsAD  such as flying and falling into the void), Emotions (with subjects such as crying, laughing, scary dreams), Food (with subjects such as rice, strawberry, bread), Natural Elements (with subjects such as fire, water, sand), Weather events (with subjects such as storm, tornado, rain), Traveling and transportation (with subjects such as train, travels, airplane), Money (with subjects such as winning money, diamonds, jewels), Supernatural (with subjects such as zombies, werewolves,AD elves) and Other.


Looking at the overall results, the categories with the highest number of of subjects are usually Animals and Insects, especially for English, Spanish and Portuguese. It’s usually followed by Family and relationships.


Animals, family and relationships

Also exploring the other categories is interesting: we discovered that over the years the language with more Emotions related subjects is Japanese and Russian has many Food dream subjects.AD

Dreaming about emotions and food

Time to further explore the categories! Go to our dreams explorer!AD

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Explore chapter 2


A Time for Dreams

How does the interest for the meaning of certain dreams change over time? We also explored the dreams topic from this point of view, studying the trends

throughout the years and we found different types of subjects.AD

Chapter 3 first paragraph

There are dreams’s subject whose search interest over time has been linear, without any changes or peaks: such as dreaming about flying.


Chapter 3 second paragraph

We found subjects whose search interest has been characterized by an overall increase, such as dreaming about water or dreaming about escaping.

Increasing interestAD

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And then there are dream’s subjects that have been characterized by significant peaks coinciding with real events. The search interest for dreaming about vulcano for instance had a peak on April 2010, when the eruption of Volcano Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) started. And dreaming about tsunami had a peak in Google search interest on March 2011, coinciding with the month in which a tsunami occurred in Japan.AD

Meaningful peaks

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You can also explore the search interest over time for other dreams subject with the dream explorer.AD


Explore chapter 3


Dreams that connect us

Another aspect we were interested in was exploring the networks of dreams: how do the dreams’s subjects – whose meaning people look for on Google – connect different languages? For this reason we visualized the dreams that connect us by year.


Chapter 4 first paragraph

The dreams’s subjects that connect more languages are the ones that more consistently appeared in our explorations: snakes and falling teeth. But there are also other subjects that often connected the languages, such as being pregnant, dogs and fishes.

Connecting dreams

There are subjects that connected a specific language with the other ones in more than one year: such as crying, that linked Arabic to English and Portuguese in 2018 and to Spanish and French in 2015.

Dreaming about crying

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We also found unique connections between couple of languages: such as dreaming about toads, that linked Portuguese and Spanish in 2015 and 2017.

Unique connections

Are you curious to explore the networks? Go to our dreams explorer!

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Explore chapter 4

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